Soaring Scholars
We offer a $20,000 scholarship over the course of four years to ensure the success of current and former youth in foster care in higher education.
Did You Know?
- Only 50% of children in foster care graduate from high school.
- Of that 50%, only 2% go on to college to complete a four-year degree.
- 100% of children in foster care in the state of Texas receive free college tuition to a public Texas university.
The goal of Soaring Scholars is to mitigate these statistics by providing financial and emotional support to students throughout their college careers. These students do not have the support from the parents that their non-foster peers have. Foster Angels bridges this gap by providing funding for living expenses that provides guidance and encouragement.
We currently have 8 well deserving scholars and are pleased that 1 of them will be graduating in 2024!
How to Get Involved:
- Sponsor a student with an annual gift of $5,000 to cover one scholarship.
- Serve as a mentor to a student and help them navigate college life.
- Volunteer by creating care packages for scholars and providing other
college-related items.
Interested in applying to be a Soaring Scholar? Applications open April 1, 2024, and will close on May 17th.
Interested in funding a scholarship or getting involved? Contact our Program Manager: heather@fosterangelsstx.org